Miscellaneous HTML projects

Title Description Date created
Logic Gates All logic gates constructed from only NAND gates 2024‑02‑18
Reaction Time Test Test your reaction time online 2024‑02‑24
Digits Of Pi Learn the digits of Pi 2024‑02‑27
Exam Score Makes marking tests easier 2024‑03‑01
Random Random number generator 2024‑03‑05
Exam Countdown How long until the exams? 2024‑03‑10
Balance Equation Balance any chemical equation with brute force 2024‑04‑14
Huffman Tree Create a Huffman Tree instantly 2024‑05‑20
Convert Convert between different units 2024‑07‑04
GCSE Posters Some posters that I made in the run-up to my GCSEs 2024‑07‑13
Physics Equation Solver Solve Physics equation problems instantly 2024‑07‑19
UKMT Grade Boundaries Past grade boundaries for UKMT Maths Challenges 2024‑07‑21
Imaginary Base Converter Convert numbers to base 2i online 2024‑09‑15