Title | Description | Date created |
Logic Gates | All logic gates constructed from only NAND gates | 2024‑02‑18 |
Reaction Time Test | Test your reaction time online | 2024‑02‑24 |
Digits Of Pi | Learn the digits of Pi | 2024‑02‑27 |
Exam Score | Makes marking tests easier | 2024‑03‑01 |
Random | Random number generator | 2024‑03‑05 |
Exam Countdown | How long until the exams? | 2024‑03‑10 |
Balance Equation | Balance any chemical equation with brute force | 2024‑04‑14 |
Huffman Tree | Create a Huffman Tree instantly | 2024‑05‑20 |
Convert | Convert between different units | 2024‑07‑04 |
GCSE Posters | Some posters that I made in the run-up to my GCSEs | 2024‑07‑13 |
Physics Equation Solver | Solve Physics equation problems instantly | 2024‑07‑19 |
UKMT Grade Boundaries | Past grade boundaries for UKMT Maths Challenges | 2024‑07‑21 |
Imaginary Base Converter | Convert numbers to base 2i online | 2024‑09‑15 |
Vernam Cipher | Encrypt a message using a Vernam cipher | 2024‑11‑08 |
Matrix Transformations | Visualise matrix transformations on an interactive graph | 2025‑01‑09 |
Sorting Algorithms | See how different sorting algorithms work | 2025‑01‑10 |