UKMT Grade Boundaries

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Junior Maths Challenge

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The UKMT Junior Maths Challenge is for students in Year 7 to 8.

The top 8% of students receive Gold. A further 17% of students receive Silver and another 25% receive Bronze.

Of those who received Gold, the top students may also be invited to the Junior Kangaroo or Junior Mathematical Olympiad, if they have met the threshold.

*The 2020 JMC was held online and scored differently to other JMCs. There were no

Intermediate Maths Challenge

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The UKMT Intermediate Maths Challenge is for students in Year 9 to 11.

The top 8% of students receive Gold. A further 17% of students receive Silver and another 25% receive Bronze.

Of those who received Gold, the top students may also be invited to the Grey (Year 9) or Pink (Year 10/11) Kangaroos, or the Cayley (Year 9), Hamilton (Year 10), or Maclaurin (Year 11) Mathematical Olympiads, if they have met the threshold.

Senior Maths Challenge

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The UKMT Senior Maths Challenge is for students in Year 11 to 13.

The top 11% of students receive Gold. A further 22% of students receive Silver and another 33% receive Bronze.

Of those who received Gold, the top students may also be invited to the Senior Kangaroo or the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1, if they have met the threshold.

© Rujul Nayak 2024